Men's Health

What are some common men’s health issues?

Research shows that some men often pay little attention to their health and wellness. This includes failing to schedule routine physical exams, seeking care when needed, and taking advantage of preventive health services. That can leave men vulnerable to a wide range of health issues. Some of the health conditions that affect men in high numbers include:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Liver disease
  • Respiratory problems
  • Depression
  • Skin cancer

Sexual dysfunction is also a common problem among men, especially as they age. Working with a trusted provider can make it easier to navigate these health needs as they arise.

Men Health

What kinds of mental and emotional health needs do men face?

Depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental health issues that men face. Both of these conditions require careful management and should never be ignored.

Your provider at Synergy Primary Clinic discusses your mental and emotional health needs in detail and guides you toward the appropriate care plan. In some cases, depression stems from other health issues and anxiety is caused or exacerbated by certain medications. Having a trusted physician review your overall health and treatment plans can be a great first step toward resolving some mental health issues.

There are numerous ways to treat mental health needs. Medication is one option, but lifestyle improvements can also go a long way toward achieving emotional stability. Synergy Primary Clinic helps you determine the right plan for your needs, and can even recommend a great therapist if you decide to move in that direction.

How can men meet their chronic health needs?

Many men suffer from chronic disease, but fail to adequately manage their condition. Chronic disease requires careful monitoring and care, and working with a medical professional is always the best way to improve your health.

At Synergy Primary Clinic, our physician offers ongoing chronic disease management services. We commence with a comprehensive health assessment to ascertain the entirety of your needs. Subsequently, we design a personalized treatment plan centered on improving your health and aiding you in identifying and achieving your health goals. We continuously evaluate your progress and refine the treatment plan as you progress.

For expert men’s health care, book a visit online or over the phone today.

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What we offer

Synergy Weight loss Service

Weight Loss

At our clinic, we prioritize sustainable and healthy weight management strategies.

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Synergy Diabetes Service


Get expert diabetes care by calling Synergy Primary Clinic or booking an appointment.

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Synergy Primary Care Service

Primary Care

We address routine health needs, including lifestyle changes and immunizations.

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Synergy STD Testing Service

STD Testing

Using advanced testing methods, we offer discreet care.

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Synergy Women’s Health Service

Women’s Health

Our commitment is to empower women to make decisions about their health in a comfortable environment.

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Synergy Men's Health Service

Men's Health

We empower men to prioritize their well-being through confidential care and individualized health plans.

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Synergy High Blood Pressure Service

High Blood Pressure

We provide treatment plans combining lifestyle changes and medication for effective hypertension control.

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